Conference MC&FPGA


Designing the Structure of a General-Purpose Telemedicine Complex

DOI: 10.35598/mcfpga.2021.016

Designing the Structure of a General-Purpose Telemedicine Complex
Valerii Semenets, Valeriia Chumak, Iryna Svyd, Oleg Zubkov, Oleksandr Vorgul, Natalia Boiko

III International Scientific and Practical Conference Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Device Development on Microcontrollers and FPGAs (MC&FPGA), Kharkiv, Ukraine, 2021, pp. 47-48.

Taking into account modern trends, the analysis of the construction principles of telemadic systems, networks and complexes is presented in the work. The general structure of providing telemedicine services is developed. Structures of realization of portable and mobile telemedicine complexes are offered. Infocommunication systems and networks for implementation in mobile telemedicine complexes are analyzed. The advantages of using the sensor mobile body area network of the IEEE 802.15.6 WBAN standard in mobile telemedicine complexes are justified.

Keywords: telemedicine, telemedicine complex, medical services, device structure, microcontroller, sensor network, wireless sensor body area network.

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