Конференція MC&FPGA


Remote Debugging of Embedded Systems in STM32CubeMonitor

DOI: 10.35598/mcfpga.2020.007

Remote Debugging of Embedded Systems in STM32CubeMonitor
Oleksandr Velihorskyi, Ihor Nesterov, Maksym Khomenko

II International Scientific and Practical Conference Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Device Development on Microcontrollers and FPGAs (MC&FPGA), Kharkiv, Ukraine, 2020, pp.22-25.

Debugging of embedded systems is one of the most important parts of firmware development. Real-time trace debugging by means of special software and hardware provides the best way to debug the firmware on real equipment. New challenges in higher education, caused by COVID-19 pandemic, require new approaches in courses, oriented on embedded system development. The paper is devoted to experience of STM32CubeMonitor implementation for remote debugging of STM32-based MCU boards during the quarantine and distance learning process, caused by COVID-19 pandemic.

Keywords: embedded systems, microcontroller, debug, firmware

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