Конференція MC&FPGA


Aspects of STEM Education in the Design of Devices on Microcontrollers and FPGAs

DOI: 10.35598/mcfpga.2022.018

Aspects of STEM Education in the Design of Devices on Microcontrollers and FPGAs
Iryna Svyd, Valerii Semenets, Oleksandr Vorgul, Ivan Shevtsov

IV International Scientific and Practical Conference Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Device Development on Microcontrollers and FPGAs (MC&FPGA-2022), Kharkiv, Ukraine, 2022, pp. 52-54.

Date of Conference: 2324 June 2022

Nowadays the system of engineering and technical education is facing acute challenges of today. Innovative technologies confidently occupy leading positions in society. But there is still a significant shortage of qualified specialists for STEM fields. The paper considers the introduction of elements of STEM education in the laboratory practice of designing devices on microcontrollers and programmable integrated circuits. The comprehensive approach of STEM education allows in the laboratory practice to expand the horizons and awareness of students in relation to the tasks of work. Also, these developments can be scaled to tangential educational components.

Keywords: STEM, education, integrated approach, laboratory base, higher education, device design, microcontrollers, FPGA.

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