Конференція MC&FPGA


Hardware for Providing Smart Farming Technologies

DOI: 10.35598/mcfpga.2023.003

Hardware for Providing Smart Farming Technologies
Volodimir Karnaushenko, Liudmyla Sviderska

V International Scientific and Practical Conference Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Device Development on Microcontrollers and FPGAs (MC&FPGA-2023), Kharkiv, Ukraine, 2023, pp. 15-16.

Date of Conference: 2223 June 2023

Modern agricultural and horticultural technologies have made it possible to obtain higher yields with smaller areas, which supports the ever-growing population. Agriculture is inherently unstable. This is largely due to the influence of external environmental conditions on productivity from year to year. The desire for greater consistency and stability in agriculture prompts the introduction of another type of modern technology in this field.

Keywords: farming technologies, information systems, LoRa, Wi-Fi, Core Independent Peripheral, wireless components.

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